Set up a site with Julia's Franklin...

Julia's Franklin.jl is a static site generator and its really neat.

What's Julia?

Julia is a high-level, high-performance, dynamic programming language by MIT. Walks like python runs like C.

You can setup Julia from the official download page.

(Pluto notebooks are really nice to work with for Julia. You can set them up like this)


The thing is, you can get all the instructions to get started with franklin from here.

But I had a small problem: I didn't know where the 'current working directory' was supposed to be. So if you have the same problem:

  1. Open the Julia REPL.

  2. Check the present working directory pwd().

  3. If that doesn't return what you wanted, use cd("E:\\specifyPathHere\\folderRandom") to change the directory.

  4. You can get sample templates here

  5. Continue with instructions for franklin from here


Netlify lets you host your site for free

You just put your _site folder into their drag-drop box. Also see.